Visual Studies Workshop – Moving Images from Europe – University of Rochester / NY

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Visual Studies Workshop

European Experimental Cinema from the Light Cone Screening.

Discussion with curator Scott Hammen will follow the screening.

Ma video « I told you this would happen » programmée à l’Université de Rochester – New York le 21 Octobre 2014 – par Scott Hammen qui a présenté une sélection de films expérimentaux européens introduits dans la collection du distributeur Light Cone.

My Video Art « I told you this would happen » screened at the University of Rochester (New York, October 21) by the curator Scott Hammen who presents a selection of European Experimental Cinema from the Light Cone distribution group in Paris.



Johanna Vaude (France), Thorsten Fleisch (Germany), Milena Gierke (Germany), Claudio Sinatti (Italy), Emily Richardson (UK), Ian Helliwell (UK), Christophe Guerin (France), Daniel Burkhardt (Germany), Scott Hammen (France)

Moving Images from Europe: New Acquisitions from Light Cone

Tuesday, October 21st, 7 pm

Hubbell Auditorium, Hutchinson Hall 

University of Rochester

Free and Open to the Public

Sponsored By:

Visual Studies Workshop

Film & Media Studies, University of Rochester

Studio Arts Program, University of Rochester

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